The Clarence Darrow Digital Collection
Written letter from Clarence Darrow collection
Collage of Clarence Darrow at different ages Postcard from Clarence Darrow Collection

Clarence Darrow Signature

The Clarence Darrow Letters

J. Howard Moore to Henry S Salt, June 13, 1910

Click on the image to view as a PDF. A transcription of the letter is on the right.

Image 1 of letter from   Howard J. Moore to   Henry S Salt

My Dear Mr. Salt —

I have read with much gratification the address presented to you as Hon. secy. of the Humanitarian League at the celebration of the League's 20th birthday. It makes me feel good clear thru. I am glad these people of the League are not like other people —
Image 2 of letter from   Howard J. Moore to   Henry S Salt

who neglect to give the word of encouragement & appreciation until it is too late to be heard. Happy man you should be — to be able to work so well as to bring forth this burst of approval from your associates. You know how I feel about your work & about you, don't you Mr. Salt? You are the most valuable & suc-
Image 3 of letter from   Howard J. Moore to   Henry S Salt

cessful humanitarian worker in the world today. You influence people. You are sincere. You are faithful, determined, courageous. You are able & invincible. You are often in may mind. [that is an unusually fine address on "Women as Humanitarians" in the last number of the Humanitarian. Wouldn't it
Image 4 of letter from   Howard J. Moore to   Henry S Salt
be well to put that in leaf form. You probably correspond with Miss Lind. If you think of it when you write again to her & would find pleasure in doing so, I wish you would tell her that I often think of her & admire her & that I feel gratified that one so gifted has allied herself for life with causes that are so lovely & deserving.
I have always loved you Mr. Salt, & shall continue to do so, I am sure, as long as I breathe.

J. H. [ ?]
Chicago [ ?], 31910