The Clarence Darrow Digital Collection
Written letter from Clarence Darrow collection
Collage of Clarence Darrow at different ages Postcard from Clarence Darrow Collection

Clarence Darrow Signature

The Clarence Darrow Letters

J. Howard Moore to Henry S Salt, October 13, 1911

Click on the image to view as a PDF. A transcription of the letter is on the right.

Image 1 of letter from   Howard J. Moore to   Henry S Salt
My dear Mr. Salt —

Ever since the last Humanitarian came I have been intending to write you a line expressing appreciation for "The Plea Of Pythagoras". It is admirable, in both form & contents. How clearly some of those ancient minds saw things & how splendidly were their moral feelings & perceptions developed! The Poetry of Vega
I hope all is well
Image 2 of letter from   Howard J. Moore to   Henry S Salt
with you, my rare, fine friend.

J. Howard Moore

10/13 1911