The Clarence Darrow Digital Collection
Written letter from Clarence Darrow collection
Collage of Clarence Darrow at different ages Postcard from Clarence Darrow Collection

Clarence Darrow Signature

The Clarence Darrow Letters

J. Howard Moore to Henry S Salt, December 04, 1915

Notes on date: Year written on letter by an unknown person.

Click on the image to view as a PDF. A transcription of the letter is on the right.

Image 1 of letter from   Howard J. Moore to   Henry S Salt
Crane Technical High School

Oakley Ave. and VanBuren Street

Department of Ethics
J. Howard Moore

Chicago 12 - 4

My Dear Mr. Salt —

The years go by, & you & I & all those that breathe move on slowly & fatefully toward the time when we shall give place to others. In those years, now considerably recedes into the past, when the scales of tradition first began to fall from my eyes, I read a sentence from Tyndall that I never have forgotten. It was the closing sentence of an address before the

Image 2 of letter from   Howard J. Moore to   Henry S Salt
British Association of Science, & he was referring to a time in the future when he & all his [ ?] would be gone from the earth, & he said — "When you & I, Like fleecy clouds, shall have melted into the infinite azure of the past". It seems like such a poetic & euphemistic way of referring to the tragedy of human dissolution. This is my birthday. I am 52 But I feel younger than I did 25 years ago.
No, I didn't go to Alabama this summer. It's a little too hot down there in the summer time.
Image 3 of letter from   Howard J. Moore to   Henry S Salt

I was at home all summer — played golf. "I am going to my blessed acres in the spring. Just this evening I sent a chegue for the final payment. Now, (in a few days) I shall have 116 1/2 acres these of the loveliest wild woods of pine, poplar, gum, beech, live oak, magnolia, & holly. I have one holly tree that is over a foot in diameter at — & magnolias like sawlogs. In my will I say: " My Alabama acres to be kept as they are for
Image 4 of letter from   Howard J. Moore to   Henry S Salt
ever — as a sanctuary for the "wild things" & a play place for men". People have told me over & over that I will never make any thing out of the place. This reminder makes me tired & I wouldn't "make anything" out of it if I could. I bought it, not as an investment, but as an entertainment. It was Mr. E.E. Darrow who first called my place "Alligatoria". And we have so often referred to it playfully by that name that it seems to fit all right, & so i think I'll just christen it officially as Alligatoria.

Image 5 of letter from   Howard J. Moore to   Henry S Salt

There is no building on the place & it is away off from everywhere — & this last fact is what makes it so specially attractive to me & i can dream there all day & never see anyone — except the red birds & squirrels, & great turtles dozing in the sun & the fishes & the great crows circling above & hear the occasional grunt of an alligator. I got it cheap — & would gladly give you ten acres if you'd come over some time & go down there with me and fall in love

Image 6 of letter from   Howard J. Moore to   Henry S Salt

with it. I have about a mile of water from — river & brook."
A word about the war. You didn't say how you are feeling about it, except to say that you are in mourning. It is a sad spectacle. But, as the French say, it had to be. the over-egoism & conceit of the Germans have brought it on. Germany has been preparing so definitely for the struggle. And so long as this one nation insisted upon it, it was inevitable. My sympathies are all with England & France. I never admired England so much in my life. You all there on that island
Image 7 of letter from   Howard J. Moore to   Henry S Salt

seem almost like brothers & sisters. Clarence Darrow & wife were over the other evening, & Mr. Darrow says he was never so much interested in anything else in his life. He thinks, as I do, that America should go to the assistance of the Allies rather than see Germany dominant. The war has served to build up a stray feeling of affinity between Americans & other English-speaking peoples. I am hoping that this tragedy will render people
Image 8 of letter from   Howard J. Moore to   Henry S Salt

so sick of war that we shall make a long, big stride toward permanent & formal peace where it is over. But Germany must be put down. The earth would not be a fit place for non-Germans to live if the Germans were victorious. So there is only one thinkable outcome of it all in a military way — the utter annihilation of the menace of Prussionism. The Germans are not barbarians by any means, but they are showing many unmistakably barbarians traits.

J. Howard Moore