The Clarence Darrow Digital Collection
Written letter from Clarence Darrow collection
Collage of Clarence Darrow at different ages Postcard from Clarence Darrow Collection

Clarence Darrow Signature

The Clarence Darrow Letters

Clarence Darrow via secretary L.N. to Charles Dutton, February 01, 1932


Click on the image to view as a PDF. A transcription of the letter is on the right.

Image 1 of letter from   Clarence Darrow to   Charles J. Dutton
February 1-st , 1932.----

Dear Mr. Dutton :----------
This in haste for Mr. Darrow, acknowledging
yours, and accepting arrangements for evening of Mar.6-th
and noon of the 7-th in Des Moines, - followed by evening
in Cedar Rapids, as proposed, etc. Please notify manag't
in Ced' Rap's. Thanks for all courtesies in the matter,
and most friendly regards from Mr. Darrow,
via secretary,
L--- N-------
Unless hear again, or otherwise, expect
me on whatever best train from here P.M. of March 5-th,
bringing me there morning of the 6-th.