The Clarence Darrow Digital Collection
Written letter from Clarence Darrow collection
Collage of Clarence Darrow at different ages Postcard from Clarence Darrow Collection

Clarence Darrow Signature

The Clarence Darrow Letters

Clarence Darrow to Professor Forrest R. Black, Jul 13, ????

Click on the image to view as a PDF. A transcription of the letter is on the right.

July 13

My Dear Mr. Black

I have done nothing more about the story [.] I shall write something on this ___ without using any part of your ___ article. Just unfold the idea as I did to you. Then I hope that the same paper will take yours and fortify the position. I am concerned that it is the best idea that has been put forward and I am anxious to get it out quick regardless of my connection with it. Always with best wishes

Your friend

Clarence Darrow