University of Minnesota

Magna charta cum statutis : tum antiquis, tum recentibus ... London: Richard Tottell, 1587.
Beale S20; STC 9282

The last edition of Magna Carta printed in the 16th century. The Library's copy of this edition shows the name of probable owners, Thomas Adams of Alnwick and William Bernand (or Wylliam Byrnand).

Thomas Adams was an 18th-century attorney of Alnwick, Northumbria. According to Yale's Lewis Walpole Library, where many of his papers are housed, Adams was an agent for the Duke of Northumberland and owner of Eshott Hall in Morpeth, Northumberland. Information on William Bernand could not be ascertained.

This volume was acquired by the Law Library in 1931 from Kelly Law Book Co.


Title page Colophon